MarioMario54321 Wiki

Moonogram symbols.

Moonogram is the language of the Moon World and let the others able to decifer the messages of the Moon World, first appearing in MarioMario54321's Super Mario 64 Bloopers movie The Moon World. Moonio and Lanuwigi can read Moonogram due to their ties with the legends, therefore allowing Wario and Waluigi to do so. It was invented by Bombermoon. Despite there being 9 Lanu Orbs, there were only 6 messages that weren't decoded.


  • Prologue Message: Moon World
  • 1st Message: Welcome to Rainbowtastic Desert. Rainbowtastic Temple up ahead.
  • 2nd Message: Welcome to the Cosmic Slide. Enjoy the happy sliding.
  • 3rd Message: The nine powers will be exposed in the order of creation. Follow the locations and find the powers. The powers shall grow from support over whence created.
  • 4Ath Message: The light of the full moon releases the pyro flow.
  • 4Bth Message: The darkness of the new moon releases the hydro flow.
  • 5th Message: Danger Ahead.
  • 6th Message: Welcome to the Star Climb Challenge.


  • The Moonogram letters look like lunar phases of the moon but they somewhat resemble the english alphabet.